DerekW +

goodbye torrentspy

• June 11, 2008 at 9:40 pm


无论如何,现在打开TorentSpy只能看到这个: image

Friends of TorrentSpy,

We have decided on our own, not due to any court order or agreement, to bring the search engine to an end and thus we permanently closed down worldwide on March 24, 2008.

The legal climate in the USA for copyright, privacy of search requests, and links to torrent files in search results is simply too hostile. We spent the last two years, and hundreds of thousands of dollars, defending the rights of our users and ourselves.

Ultimately the Court demanded actions that in our view were inconsistent with our privacy policy, traditional court rules, and International law; therefore, we now feel compelled to provide the ultimate method of privacy protection for our users – permanent shutdown.

It was a wild ride,

The TorrentSpy Team

“Big Brother in the form of an increasingly powerful government and in an increasingly powerful private sector will pile the records high with reasons why privacy should give way to national security, to law and order […] and the like.” – Justice William O. Douglas

其实在此之前,TorrentSpy已经由BT种子站转型成了搜索引擎,仅提供BT种子搜索服务。但是即使如此,仍旧在2006年被迫陷入版权诉讼泥潭。 如果Torrentspy改变其用户隐私保护政策,向法院提交使用其搜索引擎的用户资料,也许这起诉讼还有一些希望。但是Torrentspy一直认为这 种方式有违其隐私保护理念,所以拒绝提交,并且销毁了数据。结果被法院裁定为毁坏证据,并最终被裁定侵犯版权。在网站关闭几个月后,好莱坞六家影音公司向 美国洛杉矶地方法院递交诉状,指控TorrentSpy.com网站的运营商Valence Media LLC对其版权作品构成侵权,并要求Valence Media LLC公司对TorrentSpy.com网站上的3700件侵权电影和电视片断,按照每件3万美元的标准支付赔偿金。法院支持了六家影音公司的诉讼请 求。




