DerekW +

About Me

##Who I am My name is Zheng(Derek)Wang, a student of Academy of Interactive Entertainment(AIE,Sydney). I am on my 2nd year of game development of programing now. My career goal is to be a game desinger, but I would like to start from a game dev programmer.

##What this blog does I have a blog built by Wordpress. It is a fantastic exploring to figure out how to set up Virtual Hosing, Apache, PHP Admin, MySQL, and Wordpress tamplate. Even now I can recall that how exciting to build my own tiny corner in the internet. Yes, that is good old days. I did not post a lot on that blog, which is sad. The last entry is posted at April 10, 2010. Looks like it is a waste of money to keep online, but I just can not abandon my good memory. Oh, after all of those crap, I should state what “this” blog for. I will post all of my thinking and works relating to my study here, including, but not limited to(I fell power from this phrase!) programming, game design, and every thing I learned. Generally, it is a journal of my study and job.(If I could get a job, fingers crossed.)

##Credit The template is designed and coded by BeiYuu. All credit belongs to him.

##我是谁 我是一名目前正在Academy of Interactive Entertainment(AIE,Sydney)学习游戏开发编程的学生。在开始目前的学业之前,我曾经有过短暂的职业 经历,但是与游戏开发无关。目前我的职业目标是成为一名游戏设计师。但是我希望我能从一名游戏程序员做起。

##为什么有这个博客 我希望通过这个博客记录自己在学习和工作中的感想,并且展示我的所学所作。我还有另外一个利用WordPress和虚拟服务器建立的博客。但是 当我知道github page的便利之后,很像尝试一下利用vim和markdown写博客的便利。于是有了这个新的博客。

##Credit 这个模板的所有设计和代码出自BeiYuu。按照他在“使用Github Pages建独立博客”中的许可,我直接fork了他在github中的项目,然后改了很少的 一点无关功能的代码。谢谢BeiYuu的慷慨。



